Memoir Writing Prompt: How did you view church in your younger day?

Our preacher at Hillside Fellowship in Spring Branch, Texas, is always saying how religion ruins God’s message. Religion tends to be laws or mandates that people have pulled out of scripture. And “religion” has pulled God’s people apart. It’s divisive instead of inclusive. Do you dunk or do you sprinkle for baptism? Is communion once […]

March 21, 2018 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: What special annual springtime event do you remember from your childhood?

It’s mid-March, which means in upper Pennsylvania, the Maple sap running is just about over. My father collected sap in the early hours of the late February/early March mornings before he went to work. Sometimes I woke early enough to go with him at 4:00 a.m. when he replaced the pails of frozen sap on […]

March 19, 2018 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: Memories of St. Patrick’s Day

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. In my grade school days at Charleston Elementary outside of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, we celebrated every holiday with flair. St. Patrick’s Day held a myriad of options. The teachers could always introduce one more story of a magical leprechaun or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It […]

March 16, 2018 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: Remembering the Healthy Diet of Old

When I was a student in Home Economics class in the 60s, I learned the pyramid of healthy eating. Growing up on a farm, I knew we had a somewhat balanced diet. We consumed lots of homemade bread, ate fruit from the orchard and vegetables fresh from the garden. We ate beef, ham/pork and chicken […]

March 9, 2018 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: What was your first paying job?

Babysitting was my first paying job at 25¢ an hour. At fifteen, I gave up my sister’s bridal shower for the opportunity to make a whopping $1.50. I babysat for a single mom, a nurse, with six kids for, yes, 25¢ an hour. She worked until 2:00 a.m. and I was expected to make dinner, […]

February 24, 2018 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: How Many Bleachers have You Warmed?

When I was a child, sports didn’t have much of an impact in our home. Too busy with farm work for our parents to drive us back into town for practices or games. My husband introduced me to the world of sports—all kinds of sports—anything that involved a round or oval sphere of leather. Our […]

February 21, 2018 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: How did You Celebrate Presidents’ Day?

When I was a child in the 50s and 60s, we celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th and George Washington’s birthday on February 22nd. Starting in first grade, we studied these two great leaders in depth and what they did for America. Both days were seen as holidays, but we still went to school. […]

February 19, 2018 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: Did you lick any cows’ tongues in your childhood?

I did . . . once . . . maybe twice. I was a farm girl, why not? And Mom cooked cow tongue for our dining pleasure. I spent several childhood days looking for dead birds so my siblings and I could have a funeral and bury the dear soul under the huge oak tree. […]

February 16, 2018 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

This is one of those lessons I learned very young in life. Even though Mom never seemed to be able to stretch her grocery money far enough to include anything other than powdered cocoa, I have always loved chocolate. Chocolate milk, hot chocolate, Hershey’s chocolate bar, chocolate kisses, etc. etc., etc . . . right […]

February 12, 2018 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Memoir Writing Prompt: “Money Makes the World Go Round”

“Money Makes the World Go Round” was first used in the play Cabaret in 1966. Even though as a young child I thought money was pretty important, I never thought it made the “world go round.” What I did know was that with one nickel, I could buy a Sugar Daddy sucker from Peake’s gas […]

January 19, 2018 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856