Memoir Writing Prompt: How Many Bleachers have You Warmed?

When I was a child, sports didn’t have much of an impact in our home. Too busy with farm work for our parents to drive us back into town for practices or games. My husband introduced me to the world of sports—all kinds of sports—anything that involved a round or oval sphere of leather. Our kids started soccer at three years old. From there, they played baseball (or softball), golf, basketball, volleyball and football. For twenty plus years I warmed many bleachers in the cold of winter and the heat of summer. If our kids were playing, my husband and I were there. Sometimes my husband cheered; many times, he coached. When our he started coaching, our older son expected us to be warming the bleachers to watch him coach.
Sports taught our kids a lot about team work and taking direction. They also learned how to cheer for their teammates if the coach assigned them to warm benches themselves on the sidelines.
Memoir Writing Prompt: How did your parents view sports when you were young? Were they bench warmers? Did you want to play sports but couldn’t for some reason?
Today’s Writing Prompt: How did/do you view sports with your own children? Do you attend your grandchildren’s games?
Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.
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