Memoir Writing Prompt: January 29 It’s National Puzzle Day

I love puzzles—all kinds of puzzles. Sudoku, crossword, word search, maze, word match, word scramble. But most of all, I love jigsaw puzzles.
Back home on the farm, it seems we always had a jigsaw puzzle in the process of being done. Especially during storms when school was called off, Mom laid one out on the kitchen table in front of the wood cook stove. It brings back memories of when the freezing snow and sleet waged war outside while the warmth of the kitchen and the interaction with Mom and my siblings guaranteed peace within.
Today, my 98-year-old mom can’t hold the puzzle pieces in her arthritic hands, but she still likes crossword puzzles and word searches. That makes me love crosswords and searches as we work on them together. Perhaps it’s the idea of sharing the activity with a loved one.
Memoir Writing Prompt: What kind of puzzle do you like? Write of a time when you enjoyed a special time with someone while working on a puzzle.
And remember: Have fun writing for your generations to come.
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