Memoir Writing Prompt: When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

This is one of those lessons I learned very young in life. Even though Mom never seemed to be able to stretch her grocery money far enough to include anything other than powdered cocoa, I have always loved chocolate. Chocolate milk, hot chocolate, Hershey’s chocolate bar, chocolate kisses, etc. etc., etc . . . right up to today with my favorite decadent drink—chocolate martini. The martini resembles a chocolate milkshake on steroids. I limit myself to one every six months (approximately). I’m afraid I have passed this chocolate-loving passion onto my daughter, but it brings us a special closeness when we share a chocolate bar.

Memoir Writing Prompt: What one food from your childhood do you still love today? When you were a child, was it readily available to you?

Today’s Writing Prompt: Has the love of that food changed in form as mine has slightly? Are you kept from enjoying something today due to health restrictions? Write about it.

Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , | Posted on February 12, 2018

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