Mishaps and Achievements: All Part of our Legacies

Mom has always forgiven my flaws. It’s not that she ignores my blunders, but she forgives. Take her Mother’s Day cake yesterday. Creativity, especially in the cake-decorating department, has never been my forte. When the children were little, I bought all those clown, ballerina, and fireman cake tins, and they did help. But then, my […]

May 12, 2014 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by

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Moving toward home: We say goodbye to Warancha

Thursday morning, we were saddened to find Marie had a migraine and Doug had a stomach issue. So after praying for their speedy recovery, the rest of us returned to Warancha to say our goodbyes. We played the cookie game again, which they love. We told two stories: the death of Jesus and His resurrection. […]

October 19, 2012 in Ethiopia by

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Day 3 in Warancha: All Wrapped Up

Day 3 in Warancha. We knew this would be our longest day with the children, so we were prepared with games, skits and songs. Again, the children greeted us with songs. We performed two skits: The Good Samaritan and Jesus calling His disciples. Once again, the children’s re-enactment outdid ours. Then, while the boys played […]

October 18, 2012 in Ethiopia by

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Ethiopia: Here I am!

What an experience today! We didn’t have internet access yesterday, so eventually I will go back and recap what we did, but today takes the cake (we’re having fun with our guides and American expressions)! We left the Providence Guest House in Addis Ababa at 7 AM after coffee and warm banana bread made by […]

October 14, 2012 in Ethiopia by

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Oh, That Special Moment

Can you pinpoint that one moment in your life—that one you can immediately jump back to and say, “That was my happiest moment”? Mine was at the birth of Aaron, our first-born son. I had come to believe that I would never have children—two miscarriages from my failed marriage twelve years earlier was proof of […]

July 2, 2012 in Legacy Writing Prompts by


A Tribute to Mom

Mother’s Day 2012. A time to reflect on what Mom means to me. Just the word Mom means love. But it’s an active word and comes in many forms. Winters back home in Pennsylvania were so bad that at times we had to walk on top of 4-foot drifts to get to the bus—and I […]

May 12, 2012 in Legacy Writing Prompts by


My Sister Loves Me

My dear sister, Virginia, loves me. She has—ever since my mom brought me home from the hospital. Throughout our younger years, Virginia led me in the right way—according to her  plans for me. Maybe it’s because she could boss me and I just thought she was so pretty and smart that I would do anything […]

April 22, 2012 in Legacy Writing Prompts by

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The REAL Golden Girls

As I age (or should I say, “As I enter my senior years”?), there are three qualities that I desire the most—contentment wherever I am, peaceful living within myself and with others, and the ability to see the good in every situation. What a great way to spend my senior years. What a volume of […]

April 7, 2012 in Legacy Writing Prompts by


Know that God is in Control and be Glad of it!

Know that God is in control and be glad of it! June 17th was the two year anniversary of our daughter’s operation. After two months of suffering with pneumonia, the doctors finally decided to explore her lungs with a  scope and found a carcinoid tumor sitting at the juncture of the two left lobes. What […]

June 27, 2011 in Devotions by


Reruns are the Pits

Stop replaying the mistakes of your life. Share those life lessons with others and move on.

June 22, 2011 in Legacy Writing Prompts by


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Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856