Know that God is in Control and be Glad of it!

Know that God is in control and be glad of it!
June 17th was the two year anniversary of our daughter’s operation. After two months of suffering with pneumonia, the doctors finally decided to explore her lungs with a scope and found a carcinoid tumor sitting at the juncture of the two left lobes. What was to be a three to four hour surgery took 7 ½ hours. After removing the upper lobe of the left lung, removing a rib and slicing another in half and cutting through a muscle, the surgeon announced that he had done a fantastic job removing the precancerous tumor and that Emily, in all probability, would have nothing like that again.
Wow! Life sure tripped us up with that one. We had no forewarning that our summer would be totally consumed with surgery and getting Emily better so she could return to college in the fall. We never saw it coming. If someone had knocked on my door in January and told me that life would soon be tossed about a bit, I might have tried to prepare for it…Or would I?
Would I have busied myself with cleaning my house for all those well-wishers who came to visit after her surgery? Would I have told our oldest son not to go to language school in Costa Rica that summer because he needed to be here for Emily? Would I have prepared meals for the freezer so we would have dinners ready for that time? Would I have gotten the word out to friends and relatives to be prepared to do some mighty praying that summer? How can we prepare for those times when we have to step back and know we have no control over the situation?
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by Emily Kacyvenski
On July 8, 2011
If I know things ahead of time, I often miss the present moments….Thankful that G-d brought you through that time.
by Emily Kacyvenski
On July 8, 2011
BTW….so like the title of your blog!