Moving toward home: We say goodbye to Warancha

Thursday morning, we were saddened to find Marie had a migraine and Doug had a stomach issue. So after praying for their speedy recovery, the rest of us returned to Warancha to say our goodbyes. We played the cookie game again, which they love. We told two stories: the death of Jesus and His resurrection. The boy who played Jesus knew exactly what to do. The children presented us with certificates and then the goodbyes began as they kissed and hugged us. It got a bit scary as I thought they would push me down, but I survived and the love was greatly received. We gave the teachers scarves, hats and head bands crocheted by Anna McCrum and a group of ladies from Riverside. The teachers loved them.
After the students went back to their classrooms, we unloaded our suitcases of supplies in the office. They were all overwhelmed by our donations. One of the overseers wants to start a clinic for these children. He said they spend too much taking children to the city clinic for things that they can care for with a little Neosporin and Band-Aids.
Marta came again and I gave her a picture of my family. She wanted to know each one’s name so she could pray for us. Her son, Pastor John, said that his mother is a strong praying woman. I was able to give her one of Anna McCrum’s scarves. We ended this visit with prayer together, my English and her Amharic; we have no idea what the other one said, but God does.
We drove back to the hotel at noon and found Marie feeling a lot better, but Doug was still ill. We loaded up and drove out at 2 PM. It was a long hot trip back to Addis Ababa. Poor Doug endured diesel exhaust fumes, bumps and not a fun ride at all.
Last night we were treated to an authentic Ethiopian meal. I can’t begin to tell you what I ate. It was interesting. Of course, it included lots of enjira. Doug stayed at the guest house…still feeling woozy from the trip.
Today we will go back to Fashionable, a lepers’ hospital and the post office (an outdoor market). Next time I blog will be tomorrow from DC.
Had a great time, but I am definitely ready to be home. Love to all.
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