Mishaps and Achievements: All Part of our Legacies
Mom has always forgiven my flaws. It’s not that she ignores my blunders, but she forgives. Take her Mother’s Day cake yesterday. Creativity, especially in the cake-decorating department, has never been my forte. When the children were little, I bought all those clown, ballerina, and fireman cake tins, and they did help. But then, my kids were very forgiving too. I remember announcing, as I placed the cake in front of Kyle, “What a neat fireman!” In that way, Kyle and all his guests saw a fireman in the poorly decorated cake.
In my brain, I saw a beautiful Mother’s Day cake for Mom. The recipe called for it to be baked in two layers, but I put it in a sheet cake pan so I could have more area to decorate. Besides Mother’s Day, we also celebrated a great milestone in Mom’s life. Friday we had received the news that Mom made a 96% on her Bible College course. What an accomplishment at any age, but for Mom at 93 years old, it is a huge milestone for her.
So I started with the word “Congrats.” Then my icing bag popped a hole in it, and my “Happy Mother’s Day” became squiggles. I tried to cover it up, but in the end, I stopped at the grocery store and they gave me their last plastic, very purple, “Happy Mother’s Day” decoration. The first picture of Mom (above) questions the cake. The picture, here on the right, is her expression of forgiveness. (Besides that, she loved the banana spice cake with cream cheese frosting.) Everyone, including me, laughed at my attempt as we ate the ugly but very tasty disaster.
The legacies that we leave for our children are full of milestones—times in our lives when we accomplished something we never dreamed we could do. Our legacies also include the problems we encountered along the way. The stories of our mishaps, as well and the celebrating of our milestones, need to be told. Take time now to jot those down so the generations to come will be encouraged by your life so full of slip-ups and triumphs.
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