What does Family Mean to You?

Mom is officially 92 years young today, actually 92 years and one day. I had great plans for her birthday. The menu had been set several weeks prior to the grandoccasion by the birthday girl herself—sloppy joes, hot dogs, potato salad and applesauce. The entertainment afterward promised to rock Mom’s socks off. The African Children’s Choir that tours only once every two or three years was performing at our church at 6:45 on Mom’s birthday…how special would that be? I had the evening planned down to the minute. The family would gather at 5:00 p.m., sit and eat at 5:15, birthday cake served at 5:45, and at the latest, we would be off to the church at 6:15. Mom would love this night and talk about it for a long time to come. In fact, she knew of the entire plan and was fully on board.
You know that saying—best laid plans of mice and men? So the first guest arrives right at 5:00 p.m. This first guest is our illustrious niece, Bekki, a most talented cake designer, who has a new business, Sheer Sweets(https://www.facebook.com/SheerSweets?ref=ts&fref=ts). The elaborate cake comes in two boxes, and I prepare a place for her in the kitchen to add the final touches on Mom’s garden of a cake with a chocolate cake flower pot and two huge cookies on sticks and gel butterflies and a white picket fence all around. It is so awesome that each guest who comes through the door oohs and aahs over the details.
Okay, so now it’s 5:35; time to head toward the dining room. Everything is on the table, and we are all sitting by 5:45. By this time, I’m getting a bit nervous on the time crunch we are under; however, I enjoy visiting with family and lose track of time until my husband nudges me and says, “If we’re going to hear the choir, we have to get a move on. It is now 6:15.
The cake is presented and many, many pictures are taken—Mom and her daughters, Mom and the cake designer, Mom and her grandchildren. Then Mom is given the knife to cut and serve the cake. Five minutes later, one piece has been served. So I jump in and ask Mom if she would like me to cut the cake; she gladly accepts the offer. This cake is like a wedding cake—you don’t want to cut anything, because it’s so pretty; nevertheless, the garden has to be devoured so we can get to the church to hear that African Children’s Choir!
After cake is served all around, Mom opens gifts. It is now 6:45. We could still go in the back of the church and see most of the performance (church is only 4 miles away).
I whisper in Mom’s ear. “Mom, we have to leave right now if we are going to hear the choir.”
And Mom in all her sweetness, turns to me with a huge smile on her face and says, “Can we just stay here and enjoy the family?”
That’s Mom; it has always been about the family. Thanks, Mom, for all these wonderful years of family with you at the center of it all. I pray that we have you many, many more years to come. I’m just sorry the African Children’s Choir didn’t have the joy and honor of meeting you.
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by Marc Sheer
On March 29, 2013
What a lucky woman Aunt Blair is to have such a wonderful family.I wish i lived closer to share such events with you. I want to wish my aunt Blair a wonderful year to come, maybe I could be there for her next year birthday.
All our love
Marc Sheer
by Carol Smith
On March 29, 2013
Your mom is so sweet and how true, it is all about family. Please tell her she definitely doesn’t look her age. I hope I look half that good at her age.
My mom will celebrate her 90th this summer.
The birthday cake was beautiful. Your niece should do well in her business.
Hugs and Love to your mom and family,
by Judy Watters
On March 30, 2013
Yes, she has a ton of friends and now that she has an ipad, she is a fb fanatic. No holding her back now. She leaves Sunday with Emery for Miami for 6 weeks. I will pass your greetings on to her.
by Judy Watters
On March 30, 2013
I’m going to remember that, Marc. In my senior years, I am finding that next year isn’t that far away.