Can you pinpoint that one moment in your life—that one you can immediately jump back to and say, “That was my happiest moment”? Mine: the birth of Aaron, our first-born son. This is not to take away from my excitement of baby Emily and baby Kyle. But before Aaron, I believed I would never have […]
July 1, 2014 in Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts by Judy Watters
February 3, 2013 It’s Super Bowl Sunday XLVII. Being married to a football fanatic, I have had my share of Super Bowl Sundays…in fact, 29 to be exact! And I hosted many, many Super Bowl parties in those 29 years. I remember the first Super Bowl party in our brand new home 17 years ago. […]
February 4, 2013 in Legacy Writing Prompts by Judy Watters