Memories of Easter

P1000889Every holiday holds a special memory. I’m fortunate that most memories are happy for me. Today, while preparing for the Easter dinner, I opened a cupboard I don’t use much looking for special Easter napkins. I didn’t find the napkins, but at the very top, I spied Mom’s lamb tin peeking out. And, oh, how the memories flooded back. Mom used this little cake tin every Easter. Some years she nailed it right on; other years, she put too much cake batter in and as the poor lamb cake started to rise, it spilled all over into the oven. I smiled at the thought of Mom scraping the oven and starting all over again.

I made this cake several Easters for my children when they were young. Now they are grown and away from home, so I decided to make it for my 93-year-old mom. The first step, I aced—my cake did not overflow. But with the lid on, I had to guess at the timing. That didn’t go so well. But all I had to do was to put the bottom P1000890of the well-formed cake back in the oven for 10 more minutes.

Chocolate frosting wouldn’t do; this little guy had to be white. So I stirred up white frosting and put a good amount all over Mr. Lamb. Then I added coconut to make him all fluffy. In mid-stream, I thought of my Emily, soon to be 26, away at med-school. She used to help me pat the coconut onto the lamb. She must have been two or three years old when she started baking with me. I wondered if she would think of the little lamb cake today. I also remembered the Easter bonnet and new purse I got every Easter, along with patent leather shoes and of the Easter bonnet and purse I gave my little Emily every Easter. Traditions.

Green grass needed to be added under the lamb yet (coconut, colored with food coloring). For a special touch, I put white clouds of more coconut in the sky.
P1000893 So here’s my lamb. What do you think? I hope this fluffy coconut cake will put a smile on Mom’s face  tomorrow.

What memories came to your mind today or on Good Friday? Tomorrow morning, I will be at a sunrise service at Canyon Lake celebrating the resurrection. Wherever you are tomorrow, consider the remembrances of yesteryear, as well as the memories you are making now.

Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection!

Categories Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Posted on April 19, 2014

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  1. by Dorothy Carter

    On April 19, 2014

    A heart-warming essay. Thank you.

  2. by joan

    On April 20, 2014

    I love your lamb. He is a great visual for teaching kiddos about the ultimate lamb- Jesus. My childhood memories center more around chocolate bunnies. Hollow but delicious! But getting ready for church I knew we’d sing “Up From the Grave He Arose!” That made me happy. Thanks for reminding me of the new patent leather shoes and a glorious celebration.

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