Memoir Writing Prompt: Which Teachers made an Impact on You?

I saw school as fun and exciting and couldn’t wait to get there every morning. Many special teachers crossed my path from elementary through high school. Mrs. Baynes, my seventh and eighth grade Latin and Ancient History teacher, intertwined the two subjects and made that entire historical time frame come alive—Julius Caesar, the Apian Way, and all that Rome entailed. Mrs. Butler, my senior English teacher, greeted us on the first day of class by pointing to the back of her hand and quoting Macbeth in a loud voice “Out, Out, damned spot.” We never swore at home, so I knew I would learn a lot from her. And I did. I learned to love Shakespeare, and even though I loved writing before that, my use of emotion and expression came into focus. But I have to say, my very favorite teacher, Mrs. Harrison, taught second grade. Her excitement about mundane subjects made everything a writing experience. From an ice storm to a fire drill to Punxsutawney Phil on Ground Hog’s Day, Mrs. Harrison knew how to tell a story and taught us how to put it into writing.
Memoir Writing Prompt: What teachers bring memories of learning back to you? Describe those teachers and tell why they have stayed in your mind all these years.
Today’s Writing Prompt: Which one of your children’s teachers made a lasting impact on him/her?
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