Memoir Writing Prompt: What was Your Go-To Breakfast as a Child?

Today is San Antonio’s Cowboy Breakfast, the world’s largest breakfast, serving tacos with all the trimmings, and it’s all free to the public. This event kicks off the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo that will run for three weeks. It makes me think back to my breakfasts in the 50s and 60s.
Mom believed in her kids eating a hot breakfast before walking the mile to the bus stop at the bottom of the hill. I felt warm and secure sitting next to the wood stove in the kitchen eating my eggs and pancakes with Daddy’s Maple syrup or eggs and toast with Mom’s homemade strawberry jam. When Pop tarts first came out in 1964, Mom was quite disappointed when we chose to grab one of those in the morning instead of a hot breakfast.
Memoir Writing Prompt: What do you remember as your typical or favorite breakfast when you were a child? Describe the taste or smell of the different foods.
Today’s Writing Prompt: What is your normal breakfast of choice? Do you have a favorite coffee house where you grab your morning joe? Are you a coffee “snob” and will drink only one type of coffee? What about Scones? Tacos? Or are you a hold out for a full hot breakfast. Write down what you ate this morning.
Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.
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