Memoir Writing Prompt: What injuries did you live to tell about?

Silly me. I twisted my ankle the other day just walking across a driveway of loose pebbles. I thought I was down for the long count; however, I decided to follow the Google guidelines. For many hours, I faithfully iced for 20 minutes, then applied heat for 20 minutes, then after another 20 minutes, I started the process all over again. I considered Coach Johnson’s regimen that he put every one of my 3 children through in their high school days: foot in bucket of ice. I considered it—but not for long. When I was in 6th grade, I stood up in the back of a pick up truck just as we were going around a curve. I flew out of the truck and skidded for many feet ripping skin and embedding cinders into my side. Those cinders and scars remind me today what an idiot I was then.

Memoir Writing Prompt: Do you have scars today of physical injuries from days gone by? What happened? Write about it.

Today’s Writing Prompt: Have you been hurt recently? Or perhaps you are suffering a more serious illness. Write about your illness/injury. Be sure to include your feelings about it.

This may not be fun to write about today, but it just might help someone in your generations to come to get through their recovery from an illness/injury.

Enjoy the process as you write for your future generations.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: | Posted on April 12, 2018

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