Memoir Writing Prompt: What childhood pets still bring fond memories for you?

Growing up on the farm in Pennsylvania led to our family adopting many stray dogs and cats over the years. It seemed that all strays who wandered on our property or were intentionally dropped off there quickly assumed our home to be their home. We just took it in stride. Mom never bought dog food, but she fed them all our table scraps, and in the cold winter, they enjoyed her special pancakes made from pancake batter with all the table scraps thrown in. I could write a long story on each one, not to mention the cats who made our barn their home. Back then, I never thought of these to be “rescue” animals, but they were. Ten years ago, my husband actually went to the Humane Society and “purchased” a one-eyed rescue dog. With shots and all, he paid about $100—for a rescue dog! But Lacey has been a keeper for us in our empty nesting stage of life. She travels with us and insists on us getting our exercise twice a day. We love our sweet Lacey. 

Memoir Writing Prompt: Describe a special family pet you had as a child. How did you first meet? What special attributes did your pet have?

Today’s Writing Prompt: If you have a family pet today, tell about that critter. Did you adopt him/her or were you adopted by that little guy or gal?

Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: | Posted on February 28, 2018

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