Memoir Writing Prompt: Happy Thanksgiving!

My husband beat me to it this year as he leaned over me and said, “Happy Thanksgiving, my love.” It made me stop to think of all the tiny blessings we miss each day. I am truly blessed that I live with my tech support. With two laptops, a desktop with dual monitors, an iPad, and cell phone, I need tech support 24/7. He also supports my every venture into whatever crazy project I take on. Marriage is tough, but learning to count the blessings instead of the flaws makes this journey an adventure.

Today, consider that person who first wished you a Happy Thanksgiving or the one you spoke those words to. Think of the blessings you have enjoyed that have come just from this one person. Then I challenge you to write down each individual blessing that comes your way today. In other words—

Count your blessings; Name them one by one.

Count your many blessings see what God has done.

Happy Blessings Day to you!

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: | Posted on November 28, 2019

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