Memoir Writing Prompt: Are you brave enough to reveal your greatest parenting OOPS?

So…which of these does not belong? The first child always suffers while the parents try to figure out the parenting thing. I could say the counted cross-stitch pattern was at fault, but I’m not sure. All I know is that I spent hours on that stocking and never saw a problem until I proudly hung it on our mantle. This may not have been my greatest parenting blunder, but for 34 years, this stocking has lined up with the other two, and every year, I stand back and chuckle a bit. It has been a reminder for me that parenting is tough even if you do follow a pattern.

Memoir Writing Prompt: What parenting OOPS taught you that same lesson? Write about it and let your children know that they are not the first ones to learn parenting the hard way.

And…have fun writing for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: | Posted on December 4, 2019

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