In God’s Perfect Timing, Of Course

What a gift I found this morning. Lately, I have been reading God’s Little Devotional Book of Prayer. I decided to look for one of my old prayer journals and see what prayers had been answered. I have several prayer journals—all only half filled. My life goes in waves. For several months, I write profusely every morning. Then life gets busy, and I don’t have time for daily quiet times of listening to God and writing in my journal. So each journal ends up being half filled. When the inspiration hits me again, and I realize the need to get back to my quiet times, a brand new journal calls my name. Writing on the first page of a fresh new journal thrills me. Someday, it would be nice to discover the feeling of writing on the last page.
While scanning my bookshelves, I found a lovely pink and brown book, half finished, of course. I opened the soft leather to where I left off —November 21, 2009—four years ago. At the top of the page, I had written the following: “Lord, I want to retire from teaching. I want to finish my book and write devotionals for Your glory. I will wait on Your perfect timing, and in the meantime, give me the joy of teaching so that my students will see You.”
In God’s perfect timing—four years later—I walked into my home on my last day of teaching to see my first shipment of my first book. My Lord knew I needed four more years to get my facts straight, to visit with my mom for more in-depth information, to reformat my book, to research my hometown and the orphanage where my father grew up. He gave me four more years of precious children to teach and share in their lives. God gave me the gift of His perfect timing.
Why do I ever groan over God not answering my prayers? His timing is perfect in all things. I have no worries.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 (KJV) To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
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by Sheri
On September 23, 2013
Timely advice!
by Sandra Cleary
On September 23, 2013
I have to keep telling myself the same thing. It’s God’s timing and not mine. Like you Judy I have quite a few half used prayer journals. I need to go back through them and see when God answered my prayers. Thank you for the nudge.
by Sandra Cleary
On September 23, 2013
I have to keep telling myself the same thing. It\’s God\’s timing and not mine. Like you Judy I have quite a few half used prayer journals. I need to go back through them and see when God answered my prayers. Thank you for the nudge.
by Linda Parker
On September 23, 2013
Beautiful Judy!
by Kim Villalva
On September 23, 2013
Beautiful Judy!
God’s timing is always best and yet we always question it…so hard sometimes.
I love how you found an old prayer journal and were able to reflect on His answered prayers.
by Joan Reid
On September 24, 2013
Thanks for the reminder, Judy! He knows, He cares, and He’s never late, always on time!
by Laura Aulenbacher
On August 31, 2014
Hi Judy,
I have been on CWG for about a year, (all online). I haven’t made it to the meetings as yet because I am far north. I hear your prayer—–LORD, please let me leave teaching. I also have four more years now. In HIS perfect timing. I KNOW I need these years to get my story down, to study more into what makes great characters and plots. Right now though, I need to pray that my heart is still in teaching and that HIS love will shine through me WHERE I AM AT RIGHT NOW! Looking forward to meeting you one day. Currently, we live in Buda and I teach in Austin. In four years, we hope to move to our property in Canyon Lake. Then I can focus on my new adventures more than I am able at present.
by Judy Watters
On September 1, 2014
HI Laura,
That was written last year when I thought I had officially retired. However, lo and behold, the school asked me to return this year to teach Creative Writing and Drama and to head up all the academic competitions. So here I am today “semi-retired.” I know you will not wait four years to focus; in fact, I wrote my book while I was working full time and played during my one year of retirement. Perhaps going back to work will spur me to focus on writing again. Blessings to you…See you in four years.