Ethiopia Here I Come!

So why am I excited, you may ask. I am going on my first overseas mission trip to Ethiopia. In the past, I have served in a local ministry and traveled to Acuna (across the border into Mexico). I have traveled overseas, but not on a mission trip. So here’s what’s so exciting.
In 1975 at the age of 26, I just knew that God had called me into full time mission work. Only 3 years old in my Christian walk, I bravely stepped out, left my lucrative sales job, moved to Arlington, Texas, and attended Arlington Baptist Seminary for one semester. I got straight A’s in all my Bible classes and knew again that I was on my way to being a missionary. Right before I left for home for the Christmas holiday, a professor asked to visit with me. He told me that no divorced woman could serve on the mission field. I was so shocked and hurt, I didn’t stop to ask anyone else; I just packed up and went back to San Antonio…back to my old sales job. I questioned whether God had called me at all, but then I figured I could be a missionary anywhere, even in San Antonio, Texas.
Skip ahead 13 years. Three years after the gift of our first son, the Lord sent us Emily. Anything I ever dreamed of doing, Emily has done ten-fold. She went to Bible school in Costa Rica, has served on the mission field in the states and all over the world. I am not bragging on her, but I have thanked the Lord that I have been able to live my missionary life vicariously through her.
And that’s why I’m so excited. It truly is my turn to go. If you are called to do so, please pray that hearts will be receptive and that the Lord will do great things at the 5 orphanages, the women’s hospital and the lepers’ colony that we will be visiting. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
YAHOO…Leaving today. Be home on the 20th.
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1 Comment
by Wanda Littles
On October 14, 2012
Judy…sooo excited for you…will be praying…hope doors are opened…people are reached with His word and reached by the common denominator called love…His and yours.
I posted this a few days ago but for some reason it did not take.
Hope it works this time!