December 3: Come, Worship King Jesus
After coming into the house they (Magi) saw the child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshipped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Matthew 2:11-12 (NASB)
The Magi, also known as the three kings or three wise men, worshipped Jesus and gave Him gifts worthy of a future king. They bowed down and presented Him valuable treasures.
Wearing a royal blue robe and golden crown, my grandson performed as one of the three kings in his kindergarten Christmas program a few years ago. His class sang a song by Carol Cymbalta:
“Happy birthday, Jesus. I’m so glad it’s Christmas.
All the tinsel and lights, and the presents are nice.
But the real gift is You. Happy Birthday Jesus,
Jesus I love You.”
With a grateful heart, and tears streaming down my face, I sang along with the children. In those moments I thanked God for this song that teaches our children Christmas is all about Jesus.
When we consider the gifts for family and friends, may we remember to give something valuable to the Lord. How can we bless the King with our time, treasure, and talents?
Dear Father, Thank You for sending Your Son to save us. Help us remember that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. Show us ways we can worship You, our King of Kings, and bless You with gifts of thanksgiving and service.
Betty Hicks
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