December 16: Come! Kneel Here, Mommy!

32-jesus-star“Come to me all who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (ESV)

Our other children potty trained long before now. At four, still practically wordless, my darling, healthy daughter remained a mystery. If only, on Christmas morning, I could unwrap all that lay hidden inside this little angel whom I adored with all my being.

One morning with six inches of new snow begging for company, I instead dealt with the umpteenth “accident” so far today. Our six-year-old followed us to the bathroom where he found me crumpled on the floor, crying, while she sat humming.

“What’s the matter, Mommy?” he asked.

“Oh, Honey…it just seems this…g-goes on…f-forever.”

“Okay, Mommy, I will pray for you.”

As he knelt beside the tub, I suddenly felt very small. But also a tiny bit hopeful. I realized again that God builds character in me through my precious children–the talkative ones as well as this quiet one! Their idiosyncrasies remind me to come to Him over and over again, especially when I don’t understand. Because He does.

Two years later, long since potty-trained, she had also finally begun to talk. What joy when she asked me to pray with her to receive Jesus as her Savior!

Dear God, please help Mommy not be upset and crying. Help her to trust you. You love her. Amen.

Sandi Goforth

Categories Devotions | Tags: , | Posted on December 16, 2014

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