December 13: In Glorious Anticipation of His Coming
At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:26 (NIV)
Christmas morning 1949, my siblings tiptoed down the creaky wooden stairs of the old farmhouse while I, at only one-week-old, slept soundly in my crib. Five-year-old Virginia led the way with three-year-old Rodney close behind. Just as they reached the bottom step, they heard the voice of Santa. “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas, little children. Merry Christmas!” Music followed his message as he continued to invite them to come on down and take a peek. Meanwhile, Mom and Daddy hid in the kitchen as the 45 record of Santa’s invitation played on their brand new RCA record player from under the tree.
Waiting for Santa to deliver Christmas gifts brought us children an excitement of expectation. But it can never compare to the anticipation the shepherds must have felt as they traveled to see the new-born King. The hope of knowing this King had come to save the world must have made them tremble in exhilaration as they hurried along. As children of God, we have that same eagerness knowing someday soon He will come again. What a glorious day that will be!
Lord, thank You for sending Your Son so many years ago and for the assurance that He will soon come again.
Judy Sheer Watters
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