What are Your Beautiful Messes?

virginiadishesMy sister runs a tight ship at her house where she is the boss of most things. She’s also the cook and nanny, but she has established one thing—she is NOT the maid. I love the new sign she put over her kitchen sink. It says,


She actually thought this would be the answer to her problem. Virginia envisioned rising each summer morning refreshed and ready to greet the day. Having scrubbed her already immaculate kitchen the night before, she expected each day to be filled with rays of sunshine streaming through her colorful prisms over her sink.

However, with four grand-teens and one almost teen traipsing in and out of her kitchen and rifling through the refrigerator day and night, what did she expect? So, alas, she wakes to not one, but two sinks full of frying pans and dishes from late night snacking.

I don’t have grandkids yet, and though I don’t have to clean up after messy grandchildren, I have a different problem. We are empty nesters—well, kind of. Our youngest is “visiting” for a few months. But when we were truly empty nesters, I never had to use my dishwasher, which led to dried out rubber gaskets. Now I have to run it every week with just a few dishes, but I still think my problem is easier to remedy than Virginia’s is.

Her sign didn’t last long. She decided the sign itself was too messy to be hanging in her fashion-magazine kitchen when no one took it seriously anyway. I know my sister loves her grandchildren regardless of the messes they make, but it does cause me to ponder the “what if” question. What if I had to clean up after grandkids throughout the summer months? Would I be upset with a messy kitchen? (I guess that’s not a fair question since a messy kitchen has never bothered me before.)

For now, Virginia has given up and given in. But I know my sister all too well. I envision her admiring her exquisite prisms hanging over the sinks laden with dirty dishes and thanking God for the messes in her life.

Can you recall a time when the actions of loved ones annoyed you to the point of frustration? Did you, like my sister, realize you just needed to enjoy the loved ones and overlook their flaws? Write about that time and remember the beautiful messes in your life.

Categories Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , , , , , | Posted on August 15, 2014

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  1. by Leigh Deweber

    On August 16, 2014

    Yes. My kids are in bed and I’m picking up the house before I put on my pajamas. My body is throbbing and my head is spinning. The continuous pelting of questions from my 3 year old , the multiple outfit changes from my 2 year old and the unexplained nap strike from my infant has melted me down to a barely functioning human being tonight. There are tiny fingerprints on the windows, smashed goldfish in the carpet, marker lids under the table and countless sippy cups in the sink. My house is a mess and I’m exhausted, but I love it. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  2. by Kate

    On August 16, 2014

    I don’t have an exact example, but I can say that my Grandmother never showed any frustration cleaning up after her grandchildren. I specifically remember making more messes at my grandparents house, than at my own, and my sweet Grandma encouraging me in my efforts of cooking in the kitchen, painting, or game playing.

    These were some of the best times of my life that I miss dearly, now that my life, and my grandparents, isn’t the same as it once was.

    Thank you so much for this post and the memories that it stirred!

  3. by Judy Watters

    On August 16, 2014

    Yes, Kate, Grandmas are special people sent from God to overlook our flaws. Glad you had a one of those angels in your life.

  4. by Judy Watters

    On August 16, 2014

    What a beautiful picture of motherhood you have painted with your words. I remember those days when I had three children under the age of five. I had been in sales managing over 400 reps; but when I stayed home with my munchkins, I realized motherhood was the hardest job in the world…but oh, so wonderful 🙂

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