Memoir Writing Prompt: “Money Makes the World Go Round”

“Money Makes the World Go Round” was first used in the play Cabaret in 1966. Even though as a young child I thought money was pretty important, I never thought it made the “world go round.” What I did know was that with one nickel, I could buy a Sugar Daddy sucker from Peake’s gas station and for me, that was a great deal. I also knew that 50 cents got me in the matinee to see Robin Hood or Peter Pan. I also knew, because Daddy reminded us ALL the time, that it cost money for gas and maintenance on the car to run into town to see those movies. For a short time, we received allowances (25 cents a week) for doing chores around the house. Until one time when my brother hounded Daddy for his pay and that ended our allowances, but did not end the chores.

Memoir Writing Prompt: What was your attitude toward money as a child? Did you do chores to earn allowances? Did you mow lawns for other people to earn money? Write down your experiences with money at an early age.

Today’s Writing Prompt: How has your attitude toward money changed over the years? Are you careful to save for a special trip? Do you check your bank account often? Or are you pretty lax about it all just knowing you have a certain amount coming in every month?

Have fun writing down your thoughts on money for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , | Posted on January 19, 2018

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