Memoir Writing Prompt: When did your educational light bulb go off?

It happened in first grade for me. For some reason, I have never forgotten the exact happening and the person responsible. At Mrs. Olsen’s directions, my classmates dutifully took one paper and handed the rest to the child who sat behind them. At least, that’s what they were supposed to do. The girl who sat in front of me, took one paper, started writing, and forgot to hand the others back to me. I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered, “Hand the papers back” to which she replied, “I are?” I ARE? That bothered me all day. This girl I highly admired for her brains, so why should I doubt her. I couldn’t ask Mrs. Olsen and have her find out I was lacking in grammar skills myself. I decided to go to my reading book and see if Jane ever said that to Dick or Sally. Lo and behold, neither Jane nor Dick ever used being verbs (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been—and yes, we learned those in first grade)! I decided to search my grammar book, and found it agreed with me—I was right; my friend was wrong. That was my first “aha” moment, and I have loved grammar ever since.

Memoir Writing Prompt: Perhaps you enjoyed history, math, or science and had your own “aha” moment in your school days. Write that story and how it affected you.

Today’s Writing Prompt: Have you tried to help your child or a grandchild with homework lately? Have you had an “aha” moment as to the differences in the material from your childhood? Write about that.

Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: | Posted on March 5, 2018

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