Memoir Writing Prompt: What Sight Took Your Breath Away?

Yesterday, I visited Denali National Park in Alaska. Denali is the highest mountain in North America at 20,310 feet. The park ranger who led our tour asked, “What word comes to mind when you see that view?” Completely covered in snow (in August), Denali took my words away. One fellow tourist said Middle Earth; another said Powerful. And me—a writer—I still have no words to fully describe the beauty of this mountain. The day couldn’t have been brighter; the rain clouds from the night before had totally vanished. And there I stood—Denali—breathtaking—staggering—a surreal sight. A heavenly sight on earth.

Memoir Writing Prompt: What have you seen in your lifetime that took your breath away and left you speechless? It doesn’t have to be a location; it might be an event. Your first child/grandchild? Your spouse-to-be at the altar? Do you remember that day as if it were yesterday? Write about it.

Today’s Writing Prompt: Wonderful sights abound all around us if we only take the time to see them. A baby’s smile. A sunrise or sunset. Your spouse’s smile. Write about one of those wonderful sights.

Enjoy writing today for your generations to come.

Categories Legacy, Legacy Writing Prompts | Tags: , , , | Posted on August 27, 2018

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