December 21: A Christmas Kiss

32-jesus-starFor sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
Romans 6:14 (KJV)

After Thanksgiving, our family decks the house with Christmas décor. The warmth of Christmas Past permeates as each box is opened. As we continue to unpack, snickering fills the room as we realize someone is holding the mistletoe over an unsuspecting head. In haste, the rest of the family swarms over to plant kisses on the innocent target. For many years, my children did not like the sloppy smackers. As they matured, each one realized under the mistletoe was not a bad position to be.

Recently, this believer discovered being under grace is the best place to be. For years, this saint did not abide under grace but under the law. My performance as a wife and homeschool mom determined blessings or curses. My feelings of failure, shame and rejection ruled. The law kept me defeated. On the contrary, Jesus came to place me under grace. I am deeply loved, totally accepted, fully pleasing and completely forgiven there. Under grace, God sees me as his holy and righteous daughter. A great inheritance is mine to believe and receive. And like a kiss, once I receive it, I cannot give it back. Under grace is the place to abide.

Jesus, I thank You as I live aware of Your grace in my life;
sin will have no dominion over me.

Zane Williams

Categories Devotions | Tags: , | Posted on December 21, 2014

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